Hi, I'm a Product Designer
My name is Oore & I have been designing since 2018. I've worked in multiple industries including e-commerce, data, health, finance, logistics, social, and even web3.

Let's go through some of my projects
Social entertainment app focused on content curation
In this project, I worked with a client to redesign an existing app and created a new interface that was aesthetically pleasing, accessible and functional. I also built a design system to ensure design consistency in future iterations. I collaborated with a project manager and the developers to execute this design successfully

Digitization of a rotating savings and credit association
In this project, I zeroed in on some of the hurdles that prevent youths from reaching their saving goals. Through meticulous research and in-depth problem-solving techniques, I design a financial application that lets users save individually or in groups and make payments for services seamlessly.

Digitization of the lending process within neighbourhoods
When you're new in a neighbourhood, meeting new people can be daunting. Sometimes, you need to use something immediately, but you find out your old one is ruined. Before you buy, how do you borrow from your neighbours without having all the awkwardness? Use neighborrow
Ambidextrous Mouse
Physical Product Research
With more and more roles requiring a computer to work effectively, many people are turning to external computer mice and some people choose ergonomic mice for their many benefits. However, most ergonomic mice are suited to one hand only. As opposed to a regular mouse that works both ways, I tried to study the various scenarios where an ambidextrous mice would be helpful and the possibility of creating an affordable one

Zest Activity Tracker
Feature Integration for product expansion
After over a year, of catering to people living with diabetes, Platos Health considers diversifying and catering to people living with hypertension. Either as comorbidity or standalone condition. Learn how I spearheaded the research and design of this product expansion process
Crystal Hospital
Digitization of a Hospital's Patient Intake Process
In this project, I conducted user research and constructed the information architecture for a digital version of the existing patient intake process at a hospital. I led research efforts and made preliminary designs to communicate research-backed solutions to designers

Here's what colleagues have to say about me
I like this [design] a lot. amazing work! I really like it. You are awesome to work with
Natasha Guretysky
Oore brought a fresh and unique perspective to our team that was very much needed, combining creativity, design, and thoughtful analysis. She took a deep dive into many of the processes that we’ve already had in place and presented their shortcomings and opportunities to improve them, all on her own accord. I was quite impressed by her clear communication, attention to detail, and the timeliness and quality of her work
Gabrielle Daum
I know we didn’t spend a lot of time together but you’re dedicated and open to corrections and I’m sure if you keep learning and doing your best. You’ll be an amazing designer
Ekatarina Milkinska
Platos Health
Oore, your work looks amazing ! It's clear that you care about your work and take time to do it correctly. I especially liked that you always clarify design preferences with clients, before creating anything, and I'm excited to see what you do next.
Samuel Momodu
WAVE Technologies
I can confidently say that Oore is one of the hardest working, most dependable, and most impressive colleagues I’ve had the pleasure to work with. She has a natural aptitude in design and showed time and again on multiple different projects her ability to think creatively while also accepting team feedback to produce the best possible final product. Oore is well versed in modern design trends and successful tactics adopted by leaders in the industry.
Greg Opendek
Oore is proactive and a strong communicator. She is skilled at each stage of p rojects, from scoping and creating vision, through to execution.
I have enjoyed working with Oore
Jack Aaron
Studio JK