Lending App
Haven Estate
September - October 2021
As the popular saying goes, no man is an island. And the best neighbors are the ones who interact and are always willing to lend a hand. However, when you're new in a neighborhood, meeting new people can be daunting.
Also considering the current state of the pandemic, social gatherings are not at their peak. This project seeks to digitize the lending and borrowing process to help neighbors interact and fulfill needs
My Role
User Analysis, UX Design, UI Design
The Challenge
The residents of Haven estate wanted to have a platform where they could lend and borrow from their neighbors without having to go door to door. The requirement was pretty straightforward, and there was just one request. For the application to have not more than five pages
User Analysis
After interacting with Potential users and a mini-survey, some recurring pain points were observed.
• Participants mentioned an inability to identify which neighbors have what they need and they can’t knock on more than 3 doors within their vicinity
• Participants mentioned that although they might know where or from whom to get the item they need, sometimes the distance they need to cover to get it is a lot
• Participants shared a sentiment that sometimes there’s no accountability or certainty that borrowed items would be returned in good condition
After gathering all relevant information, I designed a persona to represent the end users.

User story

How Might We?

User Journey
I designed a user journey to map out a scenario representing the current situation and possible opportunities to take into consideration for design

User Flow
In order to guide the design direction, I mapped out a simple flow of the users interaction with the proposed platform

I made a series of paper sketches to get my idea on paper and make revisions

Once the paper sketches were done, I transferred them to digital wireframes to set up tests and make the high fidelity designs easier

High Fidelity Designs
This was done with the estate color and based on the wireframes. It accounted for all use cases as requested. It was designed with ease of use as a great consideration

I made the high-fidelity designs interactive to give the users a feel of the end-product. This also made it easier to gather design and usability feedback
This project was quite interesting to work on, although I didn't carry out extensive research, I was able to gather many insights and design a usable and enjoyable solution. The page constraints was also one I had never encountered so it made me look at the design differently, and overall, it helped me stick to the design goal and not deviate from scope.